Tuesday 12 February 2013

What is good - Studio workshop

In todays session Lorainne gave us a task to do, we were asked to list a minimum of '5 things that we like and why?' The purpose of this task was to unpick reasons for why things were good.

The following list shows what is GOOD and why:

1. Shopping - I love to spend money, buy myself and others treats, consume a new wardrobe, love to browse in my favourite shops such as vintage stores, Topshop, Urban Outfitters and Zara.

2. Coca Cola - I like fizzy drinks, cola is my favourite flavour of drink, like pub coke served on ice, keeps me energised and awake, cures hangovers, its nice to drink with food.

3. Pizza - Enjoy eating a well made pizza, especially ham and pineapple take away or a meat feast pizza express, tastes good.

4. Traveling - Like adventures away, see new places and meet new people, experience a different way and of living, learn about culture, try contrasting foods.

5. Watching Vampire Diaries - Love t.v series's, in particular ones that start vampires, the story has a good plot, its entertaining and exciting,something top look forward to on a Tuesday night, I also love the Salvator brothers, It's a topic to talk about with friends.

6. Listening to music - Love seeing my favourite bands live, enjoy an experience of music in concert, make me feel excited and happy, also like to listen to music in my room, feel chilled, its a sociable theme, something to talk about, an area of interest.

7. Friends and family - Like the company of those close to me, enjoy spending time with other people, like being at home seeing family members, like to care for those close to me.

8. Visiting London - Always something to do, never a boring place, its chaotic and exciting, like to visit people i know there, it's very different from home.

9. Watching films - Love having films night, socialise with friends, chill and eat junk food, its fun to go to the cinema also, see the latest films out. So many genres to choose from, and favourite actors and actresses to admire, its a conversation starter, films are a good topic of discussion.

10. Seafood - Good for you, healthy eating, love the sea and its little creatures, favourite salad is prawn mariana, tastes good, nice served hot or cold.

After this task we were split into groups and in them we made a list of 10 things we thought was good as a group, we all contributed to decided the final list, shortly after we exchanged lists with another group and we had to state what was bad about each of the things listed.

I thought it would be useful to list what is BAD about the things i have chosen to see the contrast:

1. Shopping - It's easy to over spend, buy things i don't need, shopping in busy shops can get stressful, can sometimes get aching feet from shopping for too long.

2. Coca Cola - Bad for you, stains your teeth, can make you bloated.

3. Pizza - Not the healthiest of food choices, its not satisfying when its doesn't taste great, when i cook them myself i sometimes burn them. 

4. Traveling - Can be quite dangerous, easy to pick up infections and diseases if not protected with injections when going abroad, you can loose luggage, living conditions may not be what you expected to stay in. 

5. Watching Vampire Diaries - The occasional episode ca be a little cheesy.

6. Listening to music - Listening to other peoples bad taste in music, when watching a favourite band live and realising they aren't as good as when played on the radio for example, Pushy people in crowds at gigs, can be expensive to see acts live in arenas and at festivals. 

7. Friends and family - Sometimes get annoyed with them. 

8. Visiting London - The city is huge, easy to get lost, costs a lot to travel to as well as costs while there, nights out are expensive, taxis are mad priced, the tube and buses are always hectic, oxford street isn't an easy place to shop at, I've been mugged whilst living there and visiting, a lot of pollution. 

9. Watching films -  Hate sitting for a few hours to realise a film was terrible, bad acting, bad quality of films recorded, pirate films.

10. Seafood - Smells not great, fish look weird. 

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