Wednesday 27 February 2013

Collaborative - D&C/ Re-Written brief

Brief Title: 
Dazed and Confused

The Brief:
Produce a single, iconic photograph that portrays contemporary youth culture to be featured in Dazed & Confused magazine and a publication relating to the process and journey that went alongside the development of capturing the final image.

To display contemporary youth culture in one single image through themes such as fashion, music, trends, social media, events and current affairs. Moreover, to document and exhibit the ongoing process and idea generation within a publication format.

- what aspects of todays youth culture are the most poignant and iconic?

- think about how a single image can capture an array of messages, themes and concepts

- consider the most appropriate design and photography style to fit into an edition of Dazed and Confused magazine

- in 10 years today, which images will stand the test of time?

Target Audience:
Dazed & Confused readers- british/artistic/creative/fashionable/musical
aged 17-23
male and female

Mandatory Requirements:
- a single photographic image that captures this period of time

- a supporting publication

- evidence the research, documentation, experimentation and development of work through Design Context and Design Practice blogs as well as presentation boards

- label all blog posts correctly

Tone of Voice:
- colloquial
- light-hearted
- informative
- personal
- use of slang
- engaging

- one single photographic image to be submitted into D&AD 
- publication
- x5 presentation boards
- on-going documentation on design context/practice blogs
- mounted A3 print (if entry is successful in the first selection stage) 

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