Monday 11 March 2013

Collaborative - D&C/ Building on ideas

We decided to get together and produce some more ideas for how we want the entire concept to tie together in means of the promotional material to advertise the event, how it will relate to the decor of the basement and how the interior design will be executed in time for the affair.

We bounced ideas off one another to build on our concept, here is the proposal for the event:


- Create a collection of invites which can later be used as stencils for guests to add art work to the walls
- Simple designs which will be printed and then laser cut

Flyers/ posters

- Create a distinctive looking flyer which relates to the theme of the invites and the decor of the basement
- Imply current trends in social networking such as Facebook and Twitter (# @) symbols - #basement
- As we have made a Facebook page to raise awareness about the event, this relates
- Inform guest where to go, have an address, date and time
- Perhaps a basic street map
- Book print slots for double sided printing

Basement decor

Door sign:

- Either a sign post or enter sign inspired by the festival imagery Emily has collected
- A collection of arrows point towards the entrance of the basement leading to the concealed room

Graffiti wall:

- The word taste marked off ready to spray paint
- Create illustrative stencils such as skulls, symbols, patterns, objects
- Choose a colour palette

Chalk wall/ Black board:

- A reminder of the house party scene where people right messages on walls as a reminder that they have been and to show others
- An area for individuals to write words and draw images relevant to today such as song lyrics or iconic patterns

3D type:

- After discussing survey results and Emily's research on modern slang words and phrases to decided that the word 'MEH' would be appropriate to sum up our generation, a word which is used to mean boredom, laziness, uninterested or one does not care.
This is a great word to indicate that our youth has ran out of ideas of how to keep themselves entertained.

- Another idea was to suspend type for the beams on the ceiling, perhaps the word basement in a variety of fonts to show the aspect of different styles again
Create these from either wood or mount board, have them laser cut ready to spray paint then suspend

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